作者: 日期:2017-06-21 点击量:

讲座题目:Doubly Robust Estimation of Partially Linear Models for Longitudinal Data with Dropouts and Measurement Error in Covariates





讲座摘要:In longitudinal studies,  missing responses and mis-measured covariates are commonly seen due to the data collection process. Without cautiousness in data analysis, inferences from the standard statistical approaches may lead to wrong conclusions. In order to improve the estimation for longitudinal data analysis, a doubly robust estimation method for partially linear models, which can simultaneously account for the missing responses and mis-measured covariates, is proposed. Imprecisions of covariates are corrected by taking advantage of the independence between replicate measurement errors, and missing responses are handled by the doubly robust estimation under the mechanism of missing at random (MAR). The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established under regularity conditions, and simulation studies demonstrate desired properties. Finally, the proposed method is applied to data from the Lifestyle Education for Activity and Nutrition (LEAN) study.

主讲人简介:秦国友,博士毕业于华东师范大学概率论与数理统计专业,现任复旦大学公共卫生学院生物统计学副教授,教研室主任。任中华预防医学会生物统计分会青年委员会主任委员、中华预防医学会生物统计分会委员、中国卫生信息学会统计理论与方法专业委员会委员和《中国卫生统计》编委。主要研究方向为纵向数据分析、缺失数据分析、测量误差数据分析、分位数回归、稳健推断、部分线性模型和复杂抽样设计。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,目前正在主持面上项目一项,在Biometrics, Biostatistics, Statistics in medicine等期刊上发表SCI论文四十多篇。部分研究成果获得2014年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖授奖项目二等奖(排名第二)。


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