讲座题目:Blockchain and bitcoin
主 讲 人:加拿大新布朗什维克大学(University of New Brunswick)杜东雷教授
地 点:6号学院楼415
讲座摘要:Blockchain technique and its application in bitcoin have gaining high popularity recently. This talk will offer a high-level introduction to this exciting topic. I will present the basic concepts and mechanism behind the blockchain technique with Bitcoin as an example. I will also discuss potential applications of the blockchain technology in other practical situations, such as smart contract, smart currency, finance, banking, investment and trading etc.
主讲人简介:杜东雷教授,现任加拿大新布朗什维克大学工商管理学院副经理(分管科研及研究生),从事运筹学研究。其主要研究兴趣为组合优化,鲁棒优化,近似算法,社会网络分析,算法博弈论,供应链管理,选址问题及排序理论。其科研成果发表在诸多国际一流学术期刊上,如Operations Research, Algorithmica, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, European Journal of Operation Research, Omega 等。并多次获得所在学校及学院的奖励,包括University Research Scholar (校级, 2014), University Merit Award (校级, twice, 2006 and 2012), Excellence in Research Award (院级,2007), and Annual Research Award (院级,2004). 2012-2015 被聘为北京事海聚工程特聘教授。