题 目:A Lack-of-Fit Test for Generalized Linear Models with Ultrahigh Dimensional Covariates
时 间:2017年11月1日(周三)14:45-15:45
地 点:6号学院楼402会议室
摘 要:
We propose a modified two-stage test for the GLM model-check when the number of covariates p is much larger than the sample size n. Specifically, we randomly split the whole data set into two equal halves D_1 and D_2. In the first stage, we carry out a screening procedure to select some active variables based on D_1. Then in the second stage, we propose a lack-of-fit test based on the selected variables using dataset D_2. Our method can avoid potential type-I error inflation and power loss, which are widely existed when p>>n. A novel test statistic, which is n-consistent under the null and root-n-consistent under the alternative, is put forward and a consistent bootstrap procedure is suggested to decide critical value. Our proposal is not only powerful against the global alternative, but also detectable for local alternatives at the rate of order n^{-1/2}. We further demonstrate the usefulness of our proposal through an analysis of the cardiomyopathy microarray data.