题 目:纵向数据稳健估计方法研究
时 间:2018年4月24日(周二)14:00
地 点:伟德BETVlCTOR1946源于英国(6号学院楼)415教室
摘 要:
Nonstationarity and contamination are two predominant features of modern data. A spot of outliers or measurement errors might lead to considerable efficiency loss or even misleading results in longitudinal data inference.
Pourahmadi (1999) proposed to dynamically model the covariance matrices by using the modified Cholesky decomposition. An attractive aspect of such a decomposition
is that the entries in the covariance matrix have autoregressive and log innovation interpretations. We used Lq-likelihood, mean shift method and local modal regression with the dynamic model to propose a few robust estimations in longitudinal data analysis.