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作者: 日期:2023-03-01 点击量:

    吴,  南京航空航天大学应用 数学专业博士,  伟德BETVlCTOR1946源于英国讲师,研究生.  研究方向是动力系统理论研究及其应用,主要研究内容是传染病动力 学建模与研(ODEs, PDEs建模、动力学分析 、数值分析与最优控制问题) 。以第一作者或通讯 在 Journal of Franklin Institute Applied Mathematical Modelling Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 、应 数学学 、高校应用数学学报 、系统科学与数学等应用数学和生物数学方面知名SCI及国内权威学术期刊发表论文二十余篇 。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和浙江省教育厅基金各一项

子邮箱: HZPengWu@163.com

Ø 科研项目:

1. 年结构和空间分布对艾滋病的影响:  建模 、分析与控制(项目批号: No.  12201557), 国家 青年 自然学基金项目, 2023.01-2025. 12, 30万, 主持 。

2. 具有时空-年龄结构的HIV/AIDS模型分析与最优控制(项目批号: No. Y202249921), 浙江 育厅一般项 , 2022.01-2024.01, 0.5万,  主持 。

3. 异质性和气候驱动下的反应扩散蚊媒传染病的建立与研究(项目批号: No.  11971013), 国家 自然科学基金上项目 2020.01-2023. 12, 52万,  参与 。

Ø 论文、著作

1. Peng Wu, Zerong He*, Asaf Khan, Dynamical analysis and optimal control of an age- since infection HIV model at individuals and population levels, Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCI, 中科院一 区TOP), 106(2022): 325-342.

2. Peng Wu,  Zhaosheng Feng*, Xuebing Zhang,  Global dynamics of an agespace structured HIV/AIDS model with viral load-dependent infection and conversion rates, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(SCI, 中科院一 区TOP), 412(2022): 114309.

3. Peng Wu, Xiunan Wang, Hao Wang*, Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal disper- sal HIV/AIDS epidemic model with spatial heterogeneity and antiretroviral ther- apy, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (SCI,  中科 TOP), 115(2022):  106728.

4. Peng Wu, Xiunan Wang, Zhaosheng Feng, Spatial and temporal dynamics of SARS- CoV-2: Modeling, analysis and simulation, Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCI, 中 TOP), 113(2022): 220-240.

5. Yue Ke, Linhe Zhu*, Peng Wu, Lei Shi, Dynamics of a reaction-diffusion rumor propagation model with non-smooth control, Applied Mathematics and Computation (SCI, 中科院一 TOP),435(2022):  127478.

6. Peng Wu, Hongyong Zhao*,Dynamics of an HIV Infection Model With Two Infection Routes And Evolutionary Competition Between Two Viral Strains, Applied Mathe- matical Modelling (SCI, 中科院一 区 Top), 84(2020): 240-264.

7. Peng Wu*, Song Zheng, Zerong He, Evolution dynamics of a time-delayed reac- tiondiffusion HIV latent infection model with two strains and periodic therapies, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications (SCI, 中科院二区), 67(2022):  103559.

8. Peng Wu, Hongyong Zhao*, Dynamical analysis of a nonlocal delayed and diffu- sive HIV latent infection model with spatial heterogeneity, The Journal of Franklin Institute (SCI, 中科院二区), 358(2021): 5552-5587.

9. Peng Wu, Hongyong Zhao*, Mathematical analysis of an age-structured HIV/AIDS epidemic model with HAART and spatial diffusion, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications (SCI, 中科院二区), 60(2021):  103289.

10. Peng Wu, Hongyong Zhao*, Mathematical analysis of multi-target cells and multi- strain age-structured model with two HIV infection routes, International Journal of Biomathematics (SCI, 中科院二区), 14(2021): 2150057.

11. Liping Wang, Anwarud Din, Peng Wu*, Dynamics and optimal control of a spatial diffusion HIV/AIDS model with antiretrovial therapy and pre-exposure prophylaxis treatments, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (SCI, 中科院二区), 45(2022): 10136- 10161.

12. Liping Wang, Peng Wu*, Threshold dynamics of a Zika model with environmen- tal and sexual transmissions and spatial heterogeneity, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (SCI, 中科院二区), 73(2022):  171.

13. Lei Shi , Liping Wang, Linhe Zhu, Anwarud Din, Xiaoyan Qi, Peng Wu*, Dynam- ics of an infection-age HIV diffusive model with latent infected cell and Bedding- tonDeAngelis infection incidence, European Physical Journal Plus (SCI,  中科院三 ), 137(2022): 212.

14. Peng Wu*, Dynamics of a delayed integro-differential HIV infection model with mul- tiple target cells and nonlocal dispersal, European Physical Journal Plus (SCI, 中科 ), 136(2021):  117.

15. Peng Wu, Hongyong Zhao*, Modeling and Dynamics of HIV transmission among High-Risk Groups in Guangzhou City, China, Journal of Applied Analysis and Com- putation (SCI, 中科院三区),10(2020):  1561- 1587.

16. Peng Wu*, Yu-huai Zhang, Ling Wang, A nonlocal dispersal and time delayed HIV infection model with general incidences, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B (SCI, 中科院三区), Accepted.

17. Daiyong Wu*, Youwei Yang, Peng Wu, Impacts of prey-taxis and nonconstant mor- tality on a spatiotemporal predatorprey system, Mathematics and Computers in Sim- ulation (SCI, 中科院三区),208(2023): 283-300.

18. Hongyong Zhao*, Peng Wu, Shigui Ruan, Dynamic analysis and optimal control of a there-age-class HIV/AIDS epidemic model in China, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B (SCI, 中科院四区), 25(2020): 3491-3521.

19. 吴鹏, 赵洪涌*, 基于空间异质反应扩散 HIV 感染模型的最优治疗策略, 应用数学学 , 45(5), 2022, 752-766.

20. 何泽荣*,  吴鹏, 模拟弹性增长的非线性尺度结构种群模型分析,  系统科学与数学, 37(1), 2017, 289-303.

21.  吴鹏, 何泽荣*, 基于弹性增长的尺度结构种群的最优平衡收获, 应 用 数学, 30(1), 2017, 162- 167.

22. 何泽荣*, 吴鹏, 周媚, 生态平衡制约下离散尺度结构种群的最优收获, 高校应用数学 , 30(2), 2015, 171- 179.

Ø 荣誉奖励:

1. 2019年荣获南京航空航天大学科研先进个人 。

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