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作者: 日期:2018-09-19 点击量:

讲座题目:Stochastic Optimization with Decisions Truncated by Random Variables and Its applications in Operations


主 讲 人:伊利诺伊大学香槟分校陈新教授


时    间:2018年9月20日(周四)13:30-14:30


地    点:6号学院楼4楼阳光房




摘    要:

We study stochastic optimization problems with decisions truncated by random variables. The technical difficulty is that the optimization problems may not be convex programs due to the truncation. We develop a transformation technique to convert the original non-convex problems to equivalent convex ones. Our transformation allows us to prove the preservation of some desired structural properties, such as convexity, submodularity, and L-natural-convexity, under optimization operations, that are critical for identifying the structures of optimal policies and developing efficient algorithms. We demonstrate the applications of our approach to several important models in inventory control and revenue management.



  陈新博士,UIUC工业与企业系统工程系教授,2003年在麻省理工学院(MIT)师从供应链管理大师David Simchi Levi教授获得运筹学博士学位。陈教授的主要研究领域是生产、库存与供应链管理;优化理论,最优随机控制,计算数学,运筹学与运营管理。陈教授是运筹学领域的国际前沿顶级学者,取得了许多重要的研究成果。2002年获运筹学与管理学研究协会(INFORMS)乔治尼克尔森论文竞赛荣誉奖;同年获INFORMS制造与服务运作管理学会(Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society)论文竞赛第2名;2008年入围INFORMS青年教师论文竞赛决赛;2009年获INFORMS收益管理与定价奖。

近年来,陈新教授在OROperations Research)等国际顶级期刊上发表近30篇高水平学术论文,同时承担多项美国国家科学基金资助项目。由于在管理科学与运筹学领域的突出贡献,陈新教授当选为INFORMS和生产与运作管理学会(POMS)会员;数学规划国际研讨会(ISMP2009物流与运输年会联席主席;同时担任管理科学Management ScienceMathematics of Operation ResearchProduction and Operations Management Naval Research Logistics等多个顶级学术期刊的副主编(the associate editor)。



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